Hits: 55025

A.W. Tozer

A.W. Tozer
  • Sermon Count: 488
  • Total Downloads: 231562

Name Description Series Category Files Downloads Hits
(1 Peter - Part 2): God's Abundant Mercy A wonderful exposition on God's Mercy. God mercy is limitless and God desires us to come as we are his mercy is abundant for sinners of the worse sort. (Date Preached: 6/28/1953, Reference: 1 Peter 1:3) Abundant Mercy Forgiveness Download
(1 Peter - Part 20): Ye Are A Chosen Generation 'œYe Are a Chosen Generation' might be A. W. Tozers reply to todays ubiquitous question, 'œWhat is Gods purpose for me?' Just as you can tell what a hammer and a saw are for by looking at what they are, you can tell what a man is for by looking at what Chosen Generation The Church Download
(1 Peter - Part 21): As Strangers & Pilgrims, Abstain From Fleshly Lusts Why does Peter beseech, rather than command, to abstain from fleshly lusts? What does he mean by 'œstrangers and pilgrims?' The 21st sermon in A. W. Tozers excellent 34-part study of Peters first epistle explores these questions. The text is 1 Peter 2:11 Pilgrims Practical Christian Living Download
(1 Peter - Part 22): Our Walk in the Presence of the Unsaved 1 Peter 2:12 addresses the question A. W. Tozer declares every earnest Christian should ask: 'œWhat should be my attitude toward the gentiles?' As he sheds light on this subject, the pastor utilizes his superb observational skills to explain why the twic Unsaved Mission Work Download
(1 Peter - Part 23): The Christians Relation to Government True to its title, this 23rd message of A. W. Tozers 34-part study on Peters first epistle explores 'The Christians Relation to Government.' The words of 1 Peter 2:13-16 testify that human government is of divine order. However, Dr. Tozer debunks a myth Government Authority Download
(1 Peter - Part 24): Venerate All God's Creation A philosopher searches for truth inside his own head, a scientist searches outside in nature, and neither finds the whole truth, but only shattered fragments. A. W. Tozer intimates, 'œMy friend, the wisest man in the world is the man who knows the most ab Creation Teaching Download
(1 Peter - Part 25): On Wives and Their Place in Family Life The subject of 1 Peter 3:1-7 is no joking matter. In the home, says Dr. Tozer, 'œtheres place for recognition of the proper relationships and positions, but there is no place for domination.' 'œThe dominating wife is a product of sin and of unbelief,' t Family Life Home & Family Download
(1 Peter - Part 26): Be Ye All of One Mind In the 26th sermon of A. W. Tozers superb study on First Peter, we examine with Dr. Tozer what the Holy Spirit means by the unanimity, compassion, pity, and courtesy of which Peter writes in verses 8 and 9 of the 3rd chapter. The pastor approaches these i One Mind Unity Download
(1 Peter - Part 27): Who is He That Will Harm you? A. W. Tozer strikes a blow against fear. With searing eloquence and sober erudition, Dr. Tozer sets forth an extremely encouraging message for all of Christs servants and missionaries. He starts by taking us through Romans 8:33-39 to underscore the bold e Fear Sin Download
(1 Peter - Part 28): After Conversion, the Remainder of Your Life Should Be Different 'œI am not going to waste any tears on anybody who comes whimpering to me for sympathy because people think hes strange from following Christ. '¦ The moment it cant be said of a Christian, '˜Hes different, he has disgraced his testimony and sold out his f Conversion Evangelism Download
(1 Peter - Part 29): False Teaching On Obscure Teaching A critically important theology lesson designed to armor the people of God against heretics who use certain hard, obscure texts from the Bible to teach things that the Bible never says at all. In 'œFalse Teaching on Obscure Teaching,' A. W. Tozer demolis False Teaching Exposing False Doctrines Download
(1 Peter - Part 3): Begotten Again unto a Living Hope Living Hope Exhortation Download
(1 Peter - Part 30): Suffering In God's Will and Out 'œBeloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you'¦' In the 30th message of this delightful, 34-part series on 1 Peter, A. W. Tozer observes three ways to bear adversity, from v Suffering Persecution Download
(1 Peter - Part 31): Christian's Trial and His Committal Trials Persecution Download
(1 Peter - Part 32): On God's Sheep and Their Needs Sheep Practical Christian Living Download
(1 Peter - Part 33): Humble Yourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God Humble Yourself Christian Disciplines Download
(1 Peter - Part 34): Casting All Your Cares Upon Him Tozer shows clearly that God allows us to cast our cares on Him. But he carefully shows only those that have been regenerated and renewed can partake of these precious promises. The promises are for the children of promise not the children of wrath. All t Care Christian Life Download
(1 Peter - Part 4): The Christians Inheritance Inheritance Practical Christian Living Download
(1 Peter - Part 5): The Defiled World and Our Undefiled Inheritance Inheritance Practical Christian Living Download
(1 Peter - Part 6): Rejoice...Though Now...Ye Are in Heaviness Rejoice Mission Work Download