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Hits: 17737

Exposing False Doctrines

Exposing False Doctrines
  • Sermon Count: 60
  • Total Downloads: 39756
Hits: 1127

Standing Against Misunderstandings

In this sermon, several misunderstandings, misconceptions, falsehoods and outright lies concerning problems and difficulties in the life of a Christian or comments from those observing the life of a Christian are exposed and addressed. Download
Hits: 1906

(The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Against False Prophets

We read in the book of Jeremiah severe warnings and an outcry against prophets who have gone astray and lead God's people along with them in their web of deceit. The greatest malady in the Church today is the lack of the fear of God. May we examine oursel Download
Hits: 1510

Amos 9

Art ponders the predicament of what it takes to bring man, whether it be a nation or an individual, to the end of himself in all of his humanistic tendencies. Download
Hits: 1225

K-490 False Prophets of the Last Days

Another classic instructive message on the danger of false prophets in the last days, and how they can be recognize and discerned. A 1994 message. Download
Hits: 853

K-506 The Word of Faith

Speaking from Romans 10, Art magnifies the spoken word as having the potential and power to create faith unto salvation '“ but it is a word of particular kind. A 1995 message. Download
Hits: 1020

The Two Judaisms

Art Katz speaks with authority and prophetic insight on the 2 religions in the world. The one that originates from men and the one that is from God in heaven. There is such importance in these things towards Israel, the cross, separation and death to self Download
Hits: 1219

True and False Prophets - Part 1

A two tape series spoken at a prophetic conference in March 2000. Art attempts to define the characteristic differences between the false and the true especially in the light of the recent 'popularity' of this calling. Download
Hits: 1057

What a Jew does with Jesus

Art's dramatic testimony as an intellectually, sophisticated atheist being brought to a crisis in his search for a personal answer and finding it finally in Jerusalem.
Hits: 1229

(1 Peter - Part 29): False Teaching On Obscure Teaching

A critically important theology lesson designed to armor the people of God against heretics who use certain hard, obscure texts from the Bible to teach things that the Bible never says at all. In 'œFalse Teaching on Obscure Teaching,' A. W. Tozer demolis Download
Hits: 1058

A Gospel of Slaughter

This message powerfully rebukes the "laughing revival"as well as the other movements. Based on the story of Jehoshaphat and Ahab in 1 Kings chapter 22, where the many prophets were prophesying "go up and prosper"while one, a true prophet of the Lord proph Download
Hits: 1216

A Warning to an Evil Generation

(preached: July 20, 2003) A powerful warning about last days deception in the Church. This is a strong rebuke of the signs and manifestations movement and of the preaching of a soft gospel. The hour is late, don't be caught looking for Him in the wrong pl Download