Hits: 14758


  • Sermon Count: 35
  • Total Downloads: 18138
Hits: 1527

The Cosmic Setting

The faith is set in the context of a cosmic perspective, presently so lacking in the understanding of contemporary church life. Another unique expression of this timeless theme. Download
Hits: 1632

Footsteps in the Hallway

April 29, 2007 - When we live outside of the boundaries of Gods Word we will end up with a life of fruitless religion, and a manmade covering. The true life of Christ will be shut off to every man or woman who comes through Christ through human effort and Download
Hits: 1460

The Deep Groanings of the Righteous

May 20, 2007 - The moment we were saved the new nature of Christ was put within us. With this new nature of Christ came a deep inner longing and a groan that was put there by God. This inner groaning leads us into the depth of the life of Christ. We groan Download
Hits: 1564

The Supernatural Hand of Mercy

July 13, 2008 - We must not set our hand to bring about our own justice. God will stop us when we are going down the road of bitterness and unforgiveness. When He leads us in the direction to love our enemies He will provide what we need to do it. God wil Download
Hits: 1542

Where Have You Taken Jesus?

February 20,2005 - Religious men despise the simplicity of Christ because it offends their ambition. This ambition and selfishness exposes the greed in the heart. This ambition would put away the true manifestation and revelation of Jesus Christ. In these Download
Hits: 1764

(Hebrews) 8-Faith

This final message summarizes and recapitulates the entire series in a sweeping biblical survey showing that without faith it is impossible to please God, but all things are possible to him who believes! Download