Hits: 52830

Art Katz

Art Katz
  • Sermon Count: 558
  • Total Downloads: 252310

After coming to Christ as an adult Art Katz initially had an evangelistic message, telling his story of converting to Christ as a wandering Jew. But over time he felt called to live in the obscurity of community and had a more prophetic message. By F. Remy Diederich

Name Description Series Category Files Downloads Hits
(K-CHAR-01) The Knowledge of the Holy Knowledge of the Holy Character Of God Download
God as Father Character Of God Character Of God Download
The Battle for Life (2 of 2) An in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of anointing as the communication and imparting of the life of God. The basis for anointing is found in one place only in fellowship with the sufferings of Christ Life Of God Character Of God Download
The Compassion of God The issue of mercy, not as an exertion of the moment, but what we are through and through is the thing that God is after in the Church'”the word made flesh. Who are the 'œservants' whose pity for Israels ruins releases the Lord to rise up and have compas Compassion Of God Character Of God Download
The Holiness Of God - Part 1 Holiness Of God Character Of God Download
The Holiness Of God - Part 2 Holiness Of God Character Of God Download
The Knowledge of God The true knowledge of God is everything, and God is known primarily in His covenant relationship to Israel and His acts toward her. Art contends that this knowledge is different from any kind of speculative pondering on the character traits of God. Knowledge of God Character Of God Download
"In the Beginning God created..." Beginnings are always significant in the economy of God and no more so than in His creative acts. They reveal the very essence of Himself and His purpose in creating. Beginning Teaching Download
"That they may be One." When we come to the same quality and character of relationship as is shown forth in the Godhead, then we will have obtained the unity of the Body. That is why a monotheistic view of God does dishonor to Him, as it does not show forth God as He is. Unity Unity Download
"To the Jew First..." The church is emaciated and corrupted in exact proportion as it has failed to take to heart Gods foremost mandate for herself, namely, that 'œthe gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, to the Jew first'¦' There is a divine wisdom Gospel To The Jews Evangelism Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 1. The Necessity of the Cross The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A bringing in of the factor which makes Christianity real The Cross God's Work Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 2. Jewish Unbelief The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. The radical Christian testimony needed to provoke the Jew Jewish Unbelief Historical Teaching Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 3. Israel the Suffering Servant - Part 1 The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A baffling looking into the nature of the true ministry o Suffering Servant Christian Life Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 3. Israel the Suffering Servant - Part 2 The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A baffling looking into the nature of the true ministry o Suffering Servant Christian Life Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 4. Resurrection of Dry Bones The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. The testimony recovered and introduced to the Church as w Dry Bones Revival Download
(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 5. Psalm 102 The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. Suffering needed to break loose from established ways of Prophetic Church Prophecy Download
(K-CHAR-02) Seek Not The Approval of Men Approval of Men Hypocrisy Download
(K-CHAR-03) Strange Fire Strange Fire Discernment Download
(The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Against False Prophets We read in the book of Jeremiah severe warnings and an outcry against prophets who have gone astray and lead God's people along with them in their web of deceit. The greatest malady in the Church today is the lack of the fear of God. May we examine oursel False Prophets Exposing False Doctrines Download
(The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Ascending the Holy Hill Personal Holiness Heart Christianity Download