Hits: 13414


  • Sermon Count: 22
  • Total Downloads: 14127
Hits: 2178

Ascending the Holy Hill

Drawing on theologian Karl Barths exegesis of Psalm 24, Art examines the characteristics of the person God distinguishes as being the one who will ascend His holy hill. Download
Hits: 1709

Holiness or "Blessing"

A cautionary word for the Church regarding its fascination with the present 'œrevival' phenomena. Art makes the point that there is nothing more to be coveted and cherished than the sense of God as He in fact is and not as we may have thought Him to be. Download
Hits: 1747

The King's Highway

Keith Daniel gives a unction-filled message, expounding the "King's Highway" - the path God led Moses and the Israelites on as they passed through the heathen nations enroute to their Land of Promise. Keith warns of the consequences to those who divert fr Download
Hits: 1720

Ark Error

This is a difficult message for it is a call to Holiness. In this message, a stark contrast is derived between man methods and means the beauty and Holiness of God and the obedience God requires of us to stay on the very narrow truth no matter how limited Download
Hits: 1716

Either Pentecost or Holocaust

Leonard Ravenhill speaks on the dire need of a modern day pentecost upon the church. The one great need of the church is holiness but the one great problem is uncleaness. America is facing the judgement of God having over 250,000 professional preachers ye Download