Hits: 17297


  • Sermon Count: 67
  • Total Downloads: 29603
Hits: 1611

Revival is Coming and What It Will Look Like

October 10, 2010 - How is it possible for revival to come in such a Christ rejected nation? We as Christians have to make a choice to live in this world as a testimony of the keeping power of God. The cry of the church should be, 'œLord, stretch forth you Download
Hits: 1501

Run For Your Life

Delivered the Sunday after the Twin Towers were attacked (9/11), this is by far one of the most powerful messages on this site. Every professing Believer should hear this heart cry from the Father. It is a powerful rebuke to superficial and worldly doctri Download
Hits: 1486

The Cost of the Resurrection Life

April 8, 2007 - The Christian life is a supernatural life. We are changed and transformed into a brand new person. When Jesus rose from the dead His resurrection life became available to all who would want it. If we are going to be blessed of God there is Download
Hits: 217

Christ's Cry to the Church Of This Day and Age

Words are hard to express how touched I was by this message the first time I heard it. Its a desperate call to the church from a man who is desperate for God to be glorified in the days we live in. Brother Daniel shares Gods burden to see the church blame Download
Hits: 1744

**Long Interview of Leonard Ravenhill by David Mainse

This is a recording that includes 15 minute radio show interviews from the show "the chapel of the air" run by David Mains. David Mains interviews Leonard Ravenhill with the aim of first the local church then the seminaries then religion as seen and heard Download
Hits: 1538

Anahiem Talk on Revival

Ravenhill is preaching and spending a few weeks with John Wimber in a special conference in Anaheim, USA. There is a special emphasis on prayer and revival for this conference and Ravenhill is 80 years old when he was there. David Ravenhill his son is als Download
Hits: 1499

Do these things move you?

This is a powerful message about the calling of a minister and the need for revival in our generation. What passion and fire Ravenhill exhibits as he almost in tears shares his desperate heart for revival in a prayer meeting. He speaks much from old saint Download
Hits: 1726

Oh, America, America!

Leonard Ravenhill discusses about when Jesus weeps over Jerusalem and applies it to the modern day need of the Church. 'The biggest tragedy in the world tonight is a sick church in a dying world, there is no hope for the world unless the Church is revived Download
Hits: 1602


This sermon was given by Ravenhill in 1955. This must have been just before he was injured. What a fiery message, I think this was about the time that Ravenhill speaks of the revival at Tozer church. The agony of deceived and lost people going to hell is Download
Hits: 1774

Revival Lectures Series - Short

This sermon brings some simple definitions to revival and makes the plain difference between revival and evangelism. Ravenhill shows that the breaking up of the fallow ground is essential in preparing for any revival. This message will break down alot of Download