Hits: 30472


  • Sermon Count: 100
  • Total Downloads: 53733
Hits: 1632

Shepherding Each Other

A powerful message on the blessings of Christian brotherhood. Denny ponders what it means to be accountable to one another. Download
Hits: 1627

The Heart of a Disciple

Being a disciple of Jesus is all about leaving what you are doing and following Him. Learn of Him and spend time with Him. Allow God to use your life to bear fruit for His glory. Download
Hits: 1533

What is a Christian

Redpath expounds upon the only 3 times in Scripture the word 'Christian' is used. He describes the 'almost' Christian, the 'disciple' Christian, and the 'suffering' Christian, each progressively more deeper in Christ. Download
Hits: 5076

And They Crucified Him

Empty entertainment/worship sung by pretty people -Doctrinally-correct sermons devoid of power -Sunday-only Christian lives barely distiguishable from the world All these and many more ills are symptoms of a disease Art clearly identifies in this message. Download