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Hits: 4403


  • Sermon Count: 20
  • Total Downloads: 9250
Hits: 1443

The Choice Of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a choice, unforgiveness is sin. To be free and filled with joy we need to extend forgiveness to all, not only to those we think deserve it. Download
Hits: 1009

Bitterness, Its Causes and Effects

Bitterness is a deadly poison that will destroy you and your family. This message clearly defines the definition, effects, fruits, and the causes of bitterness, and also the cure. Don't let another day go by Download
Hits: 1471

(1 Peter - Part 2): God's Abundant Mercy

A wonderful exposition on God's Mercy. God mercy is limitless and God desires us to come as we are his mercy is abundant for sinners of the worse sort. (Date Preached: 6/28/1953, Reference: 1 Peter 1:3) Download
Hits: 1284

He is able (1 of 2) - 1955

"There are texts that leap out of the thicket and they seize hold of you, they have something in them, at least for that moment, that is transcending everything else" Ravenhill says of his choice of texts. Why? This text is as fathomless as the ocean, and Download
Hits: 1513

He is able (2 of 2) - 1955

"There are texts that leap out of the thicket and they seize hold of you, they have something in them, at least for that moment, that is transcending everything else" Ravenhill says of his choice of texts. Why? This text is as fathomless as the ocean, and Download