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  • Sermon Count: 31
  • Total Downloads: 14617
Hits: 2155

The Sin Of Witchcraft

This message primarily stresses the seriousness of dabbling in witchcraft. It also briefly mentions various forms of witchcraft, including waterwitching. Download
Hits: 1359

Modern Day Witchcraft And Sorceries Exposed

It is one thing to read of witchcraft and sorcery in the Bible. It is another thing to recognize modern day examples of the same. Mose details a number of practices that he has personally dealt with and the deliverance from this bondage. Download
Hits: 1335

All that is in the World

The essential character of the world is satanic. It is at enmity with God. How do we, therefore, find our way through such an inhospitable environment? Art answers this dilemma from an episode in the life of Abraham. Download
Hits: 1367

Paganism - The Cancer of the Church

Paganism is a growing threat in the very Church itself, and if it is not presently with us, we need to watch out for it, or we will find ourselves unwittingly embracing it. Download
Hits: 1395

Say Goodbye to Captivity

December 28, 2008 - Think of the thing you struggle with the most and by faith say goodbye to it. If we are called by God the powers of darkness know the potential we have in Christ. When we come to our red sea of impossibility God promises every enemy wi Download
Hits: 1472

Shall the Dust Praise Thee?

November 30, 2008 - Those who are governed by their fallen nature make attempts to be spiritual apart from the enablement of the life of Christ. Satan convinces man that it is of value to live life by self effort. It is this kind or reasoning that leads u Download
Hits: 1245

Spiritual Authority

You can stand up to the devil and say enough! Too many Christians go to church and read their Bibles, but lack the power that only comes through full submission to the Holy Ghost, and the Word of God, to combat the powers of the enemy. You can take back y Download
Hits: 1210

Taking The Cup And Calling On Jesus

God is calling us to drink the CUP of JESUS in its entirety. Many of us come to Christ and we want to drink from the cup of salvation, future authority, present power and healing but we dont want to go the distance and drink the cup of suffering and affli Download