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Hits: 12382


  • Sermon Count: 63
  • Total Downloads: 29270
Hits: 1516

Revelation's Timeless Doctrines

This is the first message in a series of studies on the book of Revelation, focusing more on practical issues than prophecy. The series focuses on the Download
Hits: 1336

Revelation's Timeless Doctrines

This message continues the study of Revelation with an examination of two peoples, two worlds, two cities, and two spirits. In the last days, there will be only two options. We will all be part of one or the other. Download
Hits: 1289

Revelation's Timeless Doctrines

The American church has been deluded into thinking that it will be spared all of the end-time troubles. This message continues the study in Revelation by considering the two women, two reapings, and two judgements. Download
Hits: 1251

Prophets, Prophecy, and Prophesying

What is a prophet? How can you tell the true prophet from the false? What is the role of prophecy in the New Testament church? Find answers to those and other questions in this teaching. Download
Hits: 1821

A Call For Prophetic Evangelistic Preaching

Alan Redpath the late pastor of moody church gave a powerful heart rending message on repentance to his local church that had a great reputation and also to the larger body of Christ in his day. This message is needed to be heard by many in this day also. Download
Hits: 1907

(Becoming a Prophetic Church) 5. Psalm 102

The messages by Art Katz under the general heading 'Becoming a Prophetic Church' is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. Suffering needed to break loose from established ways of Download