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Hits: 1334

Second Coming Of Christ

Second Coming Of Christ
  • Sermon Count: 8
  • Total Downloads: 3349
Hits: 1034

Loving The Appearing of Christ

Although Jesus is coming back again, when you open the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit quickens the Word and brings it to life, he is appearing to you, to teach you, challenge your heart and expose anything unlike Christ. Your joy and your peace are in e Download
Hits: 926

Seeing Through the Hands of Jesus

November 18, 2007 - When we intermingle with the ways of the world, we lose sight of God's ways. We are not called to have the earth bless us, we are called to bless the earth. Our cry has to be "Jesus, touch us and cause us to see what you see and feel w Download
Hits: 423

The Second Coming of Christ

'œMatthew 24 is beyond doubt the greatest discourse on Biblical eschatology in the Scriptures.' Keith preaches on this and surrounding passages concerning the Second Coming of Christ. The signs of the times are here are you living in expectancy of Christ Download
Hits: 186

The Second Coming of Christ

A. W. Tozer preaches on “The Second Coming of Christ” from John 14:1-3 and Hebrews 9:26-28, addressing the abuse of prophecy and overly elaborate eschatology. The problem is not so much error of doctrine as error of emphasis. A Fundamentalist himself, Download