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  • Sermon Count: 12
  • Total Downloads: 4428
Hits: 1213

(1 Peter - Part 30): Suffering In God's Will and Out

'œBeloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you'¦' In the 30th message of this delightful, 34-part series on 1 Peter, A. W. Tozer observes three ways to bear adversity, from v Download
Hits: 1071

Surrendered Saints on Dry Land

November 25, 2007 - This message is about the mercy of God. The voice of God is crying out to all His people who are in a spiritual slumber because of self seeking, soft religion. God in His mercy will prepare a trial that will lead us into a type of the Download
Hits: 1023

The Final Warning Comes in Pictures

February 25, 2007 - God in His mercy will begin to speak to us through pictures. Think of the images the Lord has set before us in recent times. Images of the towers in New York City - symbols of pride and commerce that America trusts in, and in one hour Download
Hits: 1332

From Suffering to Glory

When Paul was converted on the way to Damascus, God told Ananias that He would show Paul how much he was still to suffer for the name of Jesus. The sermon preached to Paul wasn't like so many of today's sermons, where people are told that they should come Download
Hits: 1095

Choosing Rather to Suffer

This sermon preached by Ravenhill really gets to the root of alot of the causes of why we don't have genuine revival in North America. He takes the life of moses and shows how he choosed rather to suffer for the sake of Christ then enjoy the pleasures of Download