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Fellowship around a Huge Fountain

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...Lets look at this. The new age and the revolution of immorality by evil men like Aleister Crowley and that, Jezebel, Madame Blavatsky has let men indoctrinated with so many false, and blinding concepts that spirituality is some strange feeling that makes you feel this, or that, way. This great deception is partly due to the hand of God who has given men over to their lusts. They blasphemously over and over declare their own will to be done, slogans like, I way, I phone, I pad, my way, do it your way and many more deriving their origin from the infamous statement "do what thou will shall be the whole of the law", has set the stage for great darkness. Since we know that true Spirituality has nothing to do with tinkling experiences, but God working in man, God with us to do His will! So that means men expect some great experience or feeling and therefore Jesus said " An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it"...