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Satan's Wiles to Accuse and Trouble the Saint (reading)
- Total Downloads: 1043
- Preacher: William Gurnall
- Series: Audio Books
- Category: Reading
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Reading by by T. SullivanFrom the Christian in Complete Armour:The second main design in which Satan appears such a subtle enemy is as a troubler and an accuser for sin, molesting the saint's peace, and disquieting the saint's spirit. As the Holy Spirit's work is not only to be a sanctifier, but also a comforter, whose fruits are righteousness and peace, so the evil spirit Satan is both a seducer unto sin, and an accuser for sin, a tempter and a troubler, and indeed in the same order. As the Holy Ghost is first a sanctifier, and then a comforter, so Satan [is] first a tempter, then a troubler.