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Hits: 7120


  • Sermon Count: 26
  • Total Downloads: 12384
Hits: 1291

Anatomy Of A Brotherhood

A teaching on the principle of a church operating as a brotherhood instead of a church run by a single leader. Looks at both the strengths and the weaknesses of a brotherhood. Download
Hits: 1200

You MUST One Another!

This message examines many of the New Testament references which show us how to relate to one another. Love for one another is a major theme in Scripture, and is expressed in many different ways. There is no room for exclusiveness in God's kingdom. Download
Hits: 1387

Wreckers of Churches

You will be challenged in this message to consider what kind of a vessel you are allowing yourself to be used as. Either a vessel of honour to build up the church, or a vessel of dishonour to tear it down. Download
Hits: 1548

(Biblical Manhood) -evening banquet

In this, the second of two meetings devoted to studying Biblical courtship, Paul Washer exposes the destructive nature of '˜recreational dating, and explains why parents should protect childhood innocence. He explains both the timing and the principles of Download
Hits: 1558

(Biblical Manhood) -morning brunch

In this, the first of two meetings devoted to studying Biblical courtship, Paul Washer uses several scripture passages to lay the foundations for his teaching. He explains why courtship cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of family life, and g Download