Hits: 31421


  • Sermon Count: 100
  • Total Downloads: 54877
Hits: 1401

Jesus´ victory over the powers of darkness

Paul was angered by the demonic spirit of divination which shouted out of the girl "these men are servants of the Most High, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation". Even though this was true Paul did not need demons to shout it out. He commanded Download
Hits: 1364

The Cost of Discipleship

"95% of the Christians in America said they were one of two things: Either 'I am carnal' (a carnal christian) or number two 'I'm a babe in Christ'" Ravenhill preached his heart out to birth this sermon. I encourage you to watch the video. You can almost h Download
Hits: 1114

Cost of Discipleship - Part 1

These studies describe the terms and conditions that the Lord Jesus Christ established for all who wish to follow Him. It is well worth the listen! It starts with the Great Commandment to "love the Lord," and continues from there.