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Cross Of Christ

Cross Of Christ
  • Sermon Count: 29
  • Total Downloads: 17631
Hits: 5160

And They Crucified Him

Empty entertainment/worship sung by pretty people -Doctrinally-correct sermons devoid of power -Sunday-only Christian lives barely distiguishable from the world All these and many more ills are symptoms of a disease Art clearly identifies in this message. Download
Hits: 1557

Christus Victor!

Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil, and it was what was demonstrated at the Cross that is His triumph over the whole demonic realm. The early church had this perspective, and it needs to be ours at the end, for surely that same demonstration wil Download
Hits: 1416

The Cross Of Christ - Part 1

Just like Isaiah saw the Lord on a throne, high and lifted up, beholding the train of the his glory, and as a result Isaiah came to apprehend what he was. So also we need an apprehension of God as demonstrated through the cross to know what we are. If we Download
Hits: 1431

The Cross Of Christ - Part 2

It has been said that, 'œAbsolute power corrupts absolutely.' In this sermon, Art Katz adapts this catchphrase to fit the context of the night Christ displayed who he was through his sufferings, 'œCrisis reveals and absolute crisis reveals absolutely.' Download
Hits: 1421

The Cross Of Christ - Part 3

Starting with a quote from C.H. Spurgeon, "Jesus bears not the cross so that you may escape it, but that you may endure it," this sermon delivers a message which adopts and adheres the previous two messages into our own bearing of the cross. It is stated Download
Hits: 1396

How To Embrace The Power Of The Cross

January 3, 2010 - The Cross is a way to supernatural strength and power. Through the Cross, the life of God is lived through us in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Cross is the power of God in Christ to overpower all the forces of darkness. Because of t Download
Hits: 1216

The Purest Measure of Spiritual Success

February 18, 2007 - As Christians we are left upon this earth to Glorify Jesus. We best glorify Him by allowing that which is the deepest embodiment of His character to be manifested in and through our lives. There is a longing in every lost person we com Download
Hits: 1298

The Testimony of a Fixed Heart

In this sermon, Carter compares Psalm 60 {a Psalm written early in his life} with Psalm 198 {a Psalm written later in his life}. He points out there is a similarity in both Psalms except for the beginning verses. Carters main point is that in Davids matur Download
Hits: 1401

Jesus´ victory over the powers of darkness

Paul was angered by the demonic spirit of divination which shouted out of the girl "these men are servants of the Most High, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation". Even though this was true Paul did not need demons to shout it out. He commanded Download