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  • Sermon Count: 14
  • Total Downloads: 6218
Hits: 1616

(Missions Conference Shoals) - Part 4

Can assurances for our salvation be found in the Word? Paul states a resounding YES! As he passionately takes the listener through the tests in 1 John, he challenges every believer to examine themselves in the light of God's Word. Download
Hits: 1154

Biblical Assurance (Part 1)

After introductory comments to the local assembly, Paul Washer begins this series of messages with the Apostles exhortation, 'œExamine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith'. How can you be truly assured that you have believed unto salvation? he asks. H Download
Hits: 1130

Biblical Assurance (Part 2)

In the first message of this series, Paul Washer exhorted us to examine whether our ongoing style of life reflects the character and the will of God. Now, in Part 2, he introduces the second test by which we can truly know that we have been born again: it Download
Hits: 1222

Biblical Assurance (Part 3)

Paul Washer now expounds the third and fourth Biblical tests by which we can be assured that the faith we profess is genuine, and that we have truly believed unto salvation: they concern keeping Gods commandments, and walking as Christ walked. Whilst expl Download
Hits: 1016

Biblical Assurance (Part 4)

Paul Washer now expounds the fifth Biblical test by which we can be assured that our faith is genuine: it concerns our love for the brethren, i.e. the true children of God. Possibly the greatest sign of true Christianity, says Mr Washer, is that you love Download
Hits: 1153

Biblical Assurance (Part 5)

In this last message of the series, Paul Washer explains more Biblical tests by which believers can find assurance of the genuineness of their faith. These are: not loving the world persevering in the faith embracing the fullness of Christs person the pra Download
Hits: 1148

Biblical Assurance 1 - Austin, TX

A foundational series of 5 messages on assurance. Very good teaching on this imortant doctrine. Download
Hits: 1111

Biblical Assurance 2 - Austin, TX

A foundational series of 5 messages on assurance. Very good teaching on this imortant doctrine. Download
Hits: 1065

Biblical Assurance 3 - Austin, TX

A foundational series of 5 messages on assurance. Very good teaching on this imortant doctrine. Download
Hits: 1204

Biblical Assurance 4 - Austin, TX

A foundational series of 5 messages on assurance. Very good teaching on this imortant doctrine. Download
Hits: 974

Biblical Assurance 5 - Austin, TX

A foundational series of 5 messages on assurance. Very good teaching on this imortant doctrine. Download