• Preachers
Hits: 1833

Prophetic Word

Prophetic Word
  • Sermon Count: 4
  • Total Downloads: 2633
Hits: 1820

A Call For Prophetic Evangelistic Preaching

Alan Redpath the late pastor of moody church gave a powerful heart rending message on repentance to his local church that had a great reputation and also to the larger body of Christ in his day. This message is needed to be heard by many in this day also. Download
Hits: 1056

The Prophetic Word

With the general debasing of language and the preached word in particular, Art examines the meaning of the preached word as an '˜event that actually effects something in the purposes of God. Download
Hits: 1327

A Final Warning to the Indulgent Church

January 17, 2010 - That which satisfies the deepest longings of our heart is the living waters of Christ. Each of us is invited to drink and pass this cup of salvation. The question is, 'œWhat do we do with this cup of salvation'? This message points to Download
Hits: 1173

A Message for America and Its Cultural Religion

September 6, 2009 - America has made a tragic mistake by allowing the worship of Baalism into the House of The Lord. The god of prosperity has become the god of this age. How this must break the heart of God! The Lord doesnt judge with any delight in His Download