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Hits: 4529

Youth Bible School 2008

Youth Bible School 2008
  • Sermon Count: 23
  • Total Downloads: 11181
Hits: 1289

Youth Testimonies

Testimonies from the youth who attended the Bible School. Most of the students share about the work that God has done in their lives over the past year, including testimonies of salvation and commitments to the Lord that occurred during that time. Download
Hits: 1255

Preparing for Service

Those who suffer little, appreciate little. God had to work Moses over before he was ready for service. Like Jesus, he learned obedience through suffering. Download
Hits: 1186

Moses Before Pharaoh

What is in my hand today? This message discusses how God began to reveal Himself through His prepared servant, finally proving Himself to be the most high God as He touched Egypt with judgment supported by mercy. Download
Hits: 1420

The Great Deliverance

Tested, tried and proven, Moses stands unflinching against the compromise suggested by Pharaoh, institutes the Passover, and finally leads the congregation of Israel out of Egypt, across the desert and on toward the Promised Land. Download
Hits: 1421

Jacob and Esau

This message is an overview of Jacob and Esau, and what their lives amounted to. You will be challenged with the question, Download