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Hits: 16554


  • Sermon Count: 76
  • Total Downloads: 35987
Hits: 1233

Without Holiness No Man Shall See God

God's grace is sufficient for all our needs and available to cleanse and deliver us from all our unrighteousness and carnal desires. We need to yield our members to Christ and not to sin if we expect to be sanctified and to reap life everlasting. Download
Hits: 1914

Every Branch In Me That Beareth Not Fruit...

How important is your communion with God? It needs to be all important if we want to abide in Christ and bear fruit for Him. Download
Hits: 1610

Vessels Fit for the Masters Use

Aaron Hurst presents to us a plea to be made a clean, spotless vessel Download
Hits: 1298

A Declaration of the Faith

True faith brings freedom from sin. It results in Christian disciplines, which are a strenuous cultivation of a righteous life. The Holy Spirit which dwells in the heart of a believer produces holiness, and makes him separate from the world. Download