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  • Sermon Count: 183
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Hits: 1287

(Hebrews) 2-Moses

Faith not only moves mountains and secures heaven's blessings it makes obedience possible. Our obedience, like everything else in the Christian life, is by the faith of the Son of God. By faith Moses' parents sent him down the Nile in a basket, because wi Download
Hits: 1333

(Hebrews) 3-Cain and Abel

"By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous." Abel was the first to be saved by faith, and the first martyr. Abel's sacrifice was a work of faith Cain's was not. Symbolically, th Download
Hits: 1167

(Hebrews) 5-Abel and Enoch

A brief exhortation to follow the examples of Abel and Enoch, who by faith became witnesses to the truth that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Download
Hits: 1347

(Hebrews) 6-Noah

"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." We live in an age in which living the Christ-life and keeping His commandments is almost as outlandish as building an ark in the desert! Noah was "moved by fear" at th Download
Hits: 1122

Elijah - He Prayed

The life of this remarkable prophet was singled down into 2 words by God, "He Prayed". That phrase categorized his life and his marvelous exploits with God. Ravenhill walks us through the life of this man and paints a wonderful picture taking down most of Download
Hits: 1051

Jacob Meeting God

"greate birds fly alone the lion goes hunting alone great fishes swim alone. great men walk alone". In his own emittable segway, right after the previous quote, he states, "i know you didn't say amen, but it's still there". This message is about how God s Download
Hits: 1105


This is the character correlation between our Lord and the prophet, specifically in their love for the lost expounded with the prophet's weeping. in this message, there's a beautiful and majestic description of what kind of a relationship that Sarah Edwar Download
Hits: 1121

John Baptist , the fire of God - Part 1

This message was preached at an Anaheim Vineyard Holiness Conference in 1990.
Hits: 1071

John Baptist , the fire of God - Part 2

This message was preached at an Anaheim Vineyard Holiness Conference in 1990. Download