Hits: 62657

Christian Life

Christian Life
  • Sermon Count: 347
  • Total Downloads: 150716
Hits: 1095

The Duty of the Christian Life

Just as a slave has an obligation to serve his master, so we also are bound by duty to serve our Lord. This service should be done with a desire to please and bless Him, not with a desire for recognition or acceptance. Download
Hits: 1786

Gospel Symphony

What if Jesus really meant every word He said? Are you applying the Word of God to your life, or are you applying your life to the Word of God? Dean explains how our lives can be a living symphony of His glory. Download
Hits: 1200

The Kingdom Now and Not Yet

Salvation is not about us; it's about God. We are to be a living, breathing demonstration of the Gospel. What will you do with Jesus' words? Download
Hits: 1022

The Kingdom in Possessions

A refreshing look at Jesus' teaching concerning earthly treasures and heavenly treasures. Definitely a Download
Hits: 988

Keeping the Commands of Christ

The encouragement and challenge to keep that which Christ has given us (His word) is beautifully brought out in this message. When we are keeping His commands we are abiding in Christ and through that we will produce fruit. May we be found faithful! Download
Hits: 865

A Wise Man Will Hear

This is a great message about the pure way to receive instruction and correction. And the beauty of opening the ears of our heart to welcome instruction when it comes. The way of wisdom is someone who is teachable. Download
Hits: 1024

Complete in Christ

Where does our righteousness come from? Not from our own performance, but from Christ alone. It is not in trying to achieve righteousness; it is in dying to ourselves and allowing Christ to become that righteousness in us. It is not us, it is Him! Download