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Christian Life

Christian Life
  • Sermon Count: 347
  • Total Downloads: 153052
Hits: 1084

A Perfect Theology With a Confusing Reality

The believer's life is a strange one. Either it is a matchless riddle that no worldling can understand, or a painful reality of failures in our daily walk. God desires for us to live a life of continual renewal and daily victory. Download
Hits: 1224

There Is a Time for Every Purpose

Good things done at the wrong time will not turn out right. God calls us to be sensitive to Him and know His timing. Are we in tune with what He is asking us to do today, whether it be joyous or difficult? He will make everything beautiful in His time. Download
Hits: 967

Add to Your Faith...

Let us go on unto perfection. God has given us rich promises for the Christian life. Are we content with just being a Christian and having faith in God? No, let us press on unto the high calling of glory and virtue God has for us. Download
Hits: 1211

Working Out Your Own Salvation

This message was directed to the youth at the end of Bible School, giving both spiritual and practical applications on how to keep walking in victory. Download
Hits: 1337

Keeping a Cutting Edge

To be effective we need to be walking in the Spirit. Is our ax dull? Lack of evangelism and lack of prayer and communion with our Father can dull our cutting edge. Let us sit at Jesus' feet and be sharpened. Download
Hits: 930

A Question of Values

God calls His children to live by a heavenly value system. He has placed us in a temporal world, but challenges us to live for eternity. Wisdom looks ahead and begins making heavenly investments now. Download