Hits: 64785

Christian Life

Christian Life
  • Sermon Count: 347
  • Total Downloads: 154272
Hits: 1152

Truth or Consequences

In our lives, we need to walk in truth, or there will be the consequences of walking in a lie. The truth has the power to make us free, whereas lies and untruth bind us and brings us into bondage. Download
Hits: 1168

The Name of the Lord

The name of the Lord is a strong tower. God wants us to know His name, and have a passion for His name. We should be so close to Him, that we know His name and what He desires, and be able to pray for it. God's name must be our motivation. Download
Hits: 1972

A Royal Priesthood

What does it really mean to be priests unto God? What is expected, and what are the blessed privileges? Find out more as Brother Dean shares about this powerful metaphor that should affect every area of our lives. Download
Hits: 1394

Christ Is the Believer's Strength

Gentle moderation portrays Christ-likeness in our relationships. Earnest prayers relieve our personal anxieties. Guarded and directed thoughts shape our character. Constant celebration of King Jesus crowns our entire lives. Download
Hits: 1106

Enter In

As believers, we have access into God's presence now. We must learn to enter in and seek to know His presence in everyday life. It is a labor to enter into that rest, but as we enter in we find pasture and a place of abiding in Christ daily. Download