Hits: 29852

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
  • Sermon Count: 111
  • Total Downloads: 57945
Hits: 1038

The Condescension of Christ

This message takes a look at the example of Christ, as He came down from heaven, emptied Himself and became poor. He became like us. The climax of this message is a challenge to become like Christ, by pouring ourselves out for His kingdom. Download
Hits: 1067

The Story of the Lamb

There are so many religions in the world today. How is Christianity different? Download
Hits: 1123

Christ Our Life - Part 1

Rather than establishing our life on the basis of our own natural endowments, our gifting, our intellect, Art suggests that there is another Life that is made available for those who sincerely desire to disown their own. Download
Hits: 1160

Christ Our Life - Part 2

Rather than establishing our life on the basis of our own natural endowments, our gifting, our intellect, Art suggests that there is another Life that is made available for those who sincerely desire to disown their own. Download