Hits: 31309

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
  • Sermon Count: 111
  • Total Downloads: 59668
Hits: 1432

Christ in us

Woe to us who have God's Word and are not transformed to hear and obey it. Sundar Singh said that salt dissolved in water may disappear but it doesn't cease to exist. We may be sure of its presence by tasting the water. Likewise the indwelling Christ may Download
Hits: 1051

Sermon on the Mount

Keith Daniel preaches this convicting message in america and its not a sermon to a local congregation but its God given aim is to the entire body of Christ in North America. He reads the entire Sermon on the mount and then focuses soley on the verse Matth Download
Hits: 1099

Fresh revelation of Jesus Christ - Part 1

Ravenhill turns our eyes back to Jesus for a fresh revelation because it is Christ who can be the only foundation for the Christian life. Our confidence must come from Him alone and not from anything that WE have done. His questions like "Lord have you be Download
Hits: 1126

Fresh revelation of Jesus Christ - Part 2

Ravenhill turns our eyes back to Jesus for a fresh revelation because it is Christ who can be the only foundation for the Christian life. Our confidence must come from Him alone and not from anything that WE have done. His questions like "Lord have you be Download
Hits: 1143

Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 1

This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991. Download
Hits: 1172

Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 2

This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991. Download
Hits: 1090

Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 3

This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991. Download