Hits: 31308

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
  • Sermon Count: 111
  • Total Downloads: 59668
Hits: 1105

Judgement Seat 1-31-91 - Part 4

This message was preached at the Anaheim Vineyard during the Revival Fire Conference in 1991. Download
Hits: 1253

Judgment Seat of Christ

This is a powerful message on the Judgement Seat of Christ. This message will challange you to question the way you are living as a Christian today compared to the eternal reality that we are going to go before God one day to give an account of our life. Download
Hits: 1274

If You Agree

Your understanding of the Christian Life, and especially your prayer life, will be challenged and revolutionized by this message. You will never hear this text again without remembering this powerful exposition of God's Word. From Matthew 18:19-20. What d Download
Hits: 1280

The Red Heifer

When we sin, fellowship with God is broken, prayers go unanswered and we fall into the chastening hand of God. The good news is that God has made provision through Jesus Christ. Download
Hits: 1162

(True Disciple Conference) Come to Me - Isaiah 55

God has been speaking, through Isaiah, to a wicked and sinful nation languishing under the effects of a sentence of condemnation. But now a message of hope appears, an invitation to come to Him, to eat and drink of Him extended to those who have no means Download
Hits: 1109

Did You Know that You're in the Bible?

Brother Paul Washer preaches powerfully on the judgment seat of Christ, the only place that you and I are found specifically mentioned in the Bible. Are we living with that reality in view, that "we all must stand at the judgment seat of Christ"? Some of Download