Hits: 31136

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
  • Sermon Count: 111
  • Total Downloads: 59381
Hits: 1285

God is Other!

Examines mankinds failure to recognize in the crucifixion of God the very demonstration of His essential character, namely, His humility. A must for those who might be contemplating ministry. Download
Hits: 996

Priests Unto Him

In a self-serving world filled with an egocentric gospel, the long heard call to be priests, ministering first unto God, is being sounded again. Able to radically distinguish between the holy and the profane, it is the priest whose ministry can call down Download
Hits: 1266

(1 Peter - Part 15): The Precious Blood, Our Only Hope

Bro. Tozer splits this up into two parts, the foolish life that we are saved from and what it is that saves us. Given are reasons why our former life and that of unredeemed sinners is pure foolishness, and why it holds such power over us. Then goes on to Download
Hits: 1057

(1 Peter - Part 19): The Chief Cornerstone and Us Cornerstones

Christs people are the living stones of Gods temple. On January 31, 1954, A. W. Tozer preached 'œThe Chief Cornerstone and Us Cornerstones,' in Chicago, Illinois. It is the 19th message in a 34-part study of Peters first epistle. We already know that the Download
Hits: 1158

Everyone's Work Will Be Tried By Fire

God wants to move in his church but he needs a people standing on the Rock who will not draw attention to themselves or misuse the gifts of the Spirit for personal gain or ambition. A people whose main desire is to glorify God, not flesh. When there is a Download
Hits: 926

The Candlestick

November 27, 2011 - There is something so attractive about first love. That is why we love weddings so much, because our heart is strangely warmed. Did you leave your first love? God is not looking for all the things you can do for Him, He is longing for Download
Hits: 813

The Most Difficult Journey of All

June 22, 2008 - What is it that causes so many young people to leave the house of God today? It is the older brother syndrome, when service in the house of God becomes hard labor from an angry joyless heart. It is the Father that meets His children with l Download
Hits: 958

The Signs Of Active Faith

This is a message on the rewards of being totally yielded to God's purposes and how he can use a surrendered vessel to liberate others. The signs are for those who yield to God, who consider it a holy commission to help the lost, seeking his kingdom. Thei Download