Hits: 40546

Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon
  • Sermon Count: 419
  • Total Downloads: 175749

Name Description Series Category Files Downloads Hits
The Quarrel of God's Covenant May 29,2005 - God gives a warning to Israel and the same warning can be applied to us today. If you take lightly the Lords presence and if you begin to dabble in and out of obedience and disobedience so that you develop a warped sense of what it means to Happiness Christian Character Download
The Real Jesus Of The Last Days God's Covenant Law & Grace Download
The Reproach of Christ March 11, 2007 - This message is for Christians that have positioned themselves in the center of two different kingdoms. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world, Coming to the house of the Lord with a seemingly holy devotion for God and leaving th Last Days Exhortation Download
The Resurrection of the Hidden Talent January 29, 2006 '“ Considering talents are the promises and provisions of God, have you hid the talents that He deposited in you because of unbelief? God will deposit in us what we need to empower us to bring glory and honor to His name. The more we step Reproach God's Work Download
The Right Hand Of The Poor Talent Spiritual Gifts Download
The Secret of Spiritual Power August 9, 2009 - The concept of being a servant that is not highly esteemed today as we live in an age where our theology in the church at large seems to have focused on personal gain, social gain, power, influence, authority and individual greatness. The Poverty Finances Download
The Secret Place of Rest Spiritual Power Spiritual Gifts Download
The Seven Churches of Revelation This is a powerful message about the church of Laodicea and much of the Western church of this day. The message is centered on the verses between Revelation 3:14 to 3:22 Carter also uses verses from Mark chapter 4 to show the disciples fearfulness and lac Rest Christian Character Download
The Shepherd Song September 28, 2008 - There is a great revelation of God coming to this generation. This revelation will not be given to the self indulgent and the self seeking. It will be given to the humble person who desires to live their life for the betterment of oth Churches of Revelation Warnings Download
The Signs Of Active Faith This is a message on the rewards of being totally yielded to God's purposes and how he can use a surrendered vessel to liberate others. The signs are for those who yield to God, who consider it a holy commission to help the lost, seeking his kingdom. Thei Shepherd Jesus Christ Download
The Snare of the Satisfied This is a warning against spiritual laziness, an important message for all believers. Don't lose the fear of the Lord. When God blesses his people they often become satisfied and turn away from daily dependence on Him. David's sin with Bathsheba is used w Active Faith Faith Download
The Spiritual Measure of Spiritual Success February 18, 2007 - As Christians we are left upon this earth to Glorify Jesus. We best glorify Him by allowing that which is the deepest embodiment of His character to be manifested in and through our lives. There is a longing in every lost person we com Laziness Sin Download
The Sudden Appearing of Christ February 15, 2009 - What is it like when the Lord visits His People? This sudden appearing will come as a strong inner voice of conviction. When the Holy Spirit comes we become aware of the ungodliness of our speech. The closer we get to the presence of C Success Sanctification Download
The Supernatural Hand Of Faith Second Coming Heaven Or Hell Download
The Supernatural Hand of Mercy July 13, 2008 - We must not set our hand to bring about our own justice. God will stop us when we are going down the road of bitterness and unforgiveness. When He leads us in the direction to love our enemies He will provide what we need to do it. God wil Faith Faith Download
The Table and the Cross March 1, 2009 - Our fallen nature can cause us to form an image of ourselves that doesn't represent Christ. The church that forms a false image will not endure when hard times come and they will abandon the journey of Christ to follow their own agenda. Go Tabernacle Studies Download
The Testimony of a Fixed Heart In this sermon, Carter compares Psalm 60 {a Psalm written early in his life} with Psalm 198 {a Psalm written later in his life}. He points out there is a similarity in both Psalms except for the beginning verses. Carters main point is that in Davids matur Cross Of Christ Discipleship Download
The Testimony Of An Honest Man Carters main point in this message is that when people come to Christ, they come as honest people, admitting who they really are. Two of Carters examples were people that had failed. One was the high priest Joshua, standing before the throne of God in fil Maturity Christian Character Download
The Things Which Must Be Hereafter July 09, 2006 '“ When heaven is revealed to us we will begin to notice the tradgedy that awaits the unsaved and a cry comes into our heart for every lost soul. Jesus Christ wil write a testimony is us that wil cause men to be turned from hell to heaven.Go Honesty Christian Character Download
The Time Has Come to Face the Mountain September 20, 2009 - Jesus faced the mountain of entrenched rebellion towards the ways of God. It is a systematic religiousness that made His ways unrecognizable to mankind. The wrath of God is truly revealed when He sees man create a system of religion t Unsaved Mission Work Download